Obama refused to pardon black civil rights icon Marcus Garvey, despite family and activists begging


Little historical details can speak volumes, as evil often rests in details.

Washington Post, January 2017:
“In one of his final acts in office, President Obama issued hundreds of commutations and pardons. But he declined to act on a petition for a posthumous pardon of Marcus Garvey, the legendary black nationalist movement leader who was convicted in 1923 on what his family called “politically motivated and bogus” charges of mail fraud.

“We are disappointed the president decided it was not something he wanted to do,” said one of Garvey’s sons, Julius Garvey, 83, a vascular surgeon who lives in New York.

Julius Garvey, who argued that his father was targeted by then-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s “obsession to neutralize the rise of a black liberator,” said the White House did not give a reason for its refusal to grant the pardon. The Obama administration also rejected a posthumous pardon in…

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#28. Frith in action, a true wisdom story.


There once was a Seneca woman, about 700 years ago, Jikonsahseh, (sometimes called Jigon sah seh) who was approached by the wandering Deganawida (The Peacemaker) from the northern shore of Ontario. Deganawida proposed that the warring tribes of the Great Lakes join to create a nation of organization, peace, and law. Jikonsahseh was the first to accept this offer, and assist the Peacemaker in recruiting other tribes. For this, the Peacemaker granted women special governing rights in Iroquois society. Jikonsahseh became known as the “Mother of Nations.”
At this time, Jikonsahseh, was already known and respected for her generosity and her efforts to create peace. She lived near a crossroads of nations. She allowed any traveler to stay in her long house as long as they agreed to keep Her peace (creating sacred space). If warriors from different nations came to her on the same day, she would feed them from the came bowl and cauldron. Now, according to…

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The wise Crone


I recently came upon a podcast in which mythologist, Marina Warner, speaks of the “enchanted forest.” Warner describes the enchanted forest as a place for the hero to face both trials and self-discovery, and in doing so, experience an initiation.  Living in the center of this forest is the wise old woman.  But who is this old woman who can live in such an environment? Warner gives the example of Baba Yaga as the dual sided figure, both frightening and kind.

Old women (whether hags or crones) were often the tellers of folktales, for they held the wisdom of both folklore and life.  They were healers with “medicines” of stories, words and ancient practices.  Over time, their knowledge of herbs became marginalized and condemned as the advancement of science and medicine took hold. Healing moved from the purview of women, into a study soley for men.

As the old woman’s…

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